So you think you are the best in computer huh!
But you don't know how to use shortcuts,
Okay you'd be better memories this...
Windows program key combinations
CTRL+C: (Copy)
CTRL+X: (Cut)
CTRL+V: (Paste)
CTRL+Z: (Undo)
CTRL+B: (Bold)
CTRL+U: (Underline)
CTRL+I: (Italic)
Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys
Windows Logo: (Start menu)
Windows Logo+R: (Run dialog box)
Windows Logo+M: (Minimize all)
SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: (Undo minimize all)
Windows Logo+F1: (Help)
Windows Logo+E: (Windows Explorer)
Windows Logo+F: (Find files or folders)
Windows Logo+D: (Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop)
CTRL+Windows Logo+F: (Find computer)
CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB: (Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
Windows Logo+TAB: (Cycle through taskbar buttons)
Windows Logo+Break: (System Properties dialog box)
Application key: (Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item)
Windows system key combinationsWindows Logo: (Start menu)
Windows Logo+R: (Run dialog box)
Windows Logo+M: (Minimize all)
SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: (Undo minimize all)
Windows Logo+F1: (Help)
Windows Logo+E: (Windows Explorer)
Windows Logo+F: (Find files or folders)
Windows Logo+D: (Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop)
CTRL+Windows Logo+F: (Find computer)
CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB: (Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
Windows Logo+TAB: (Cycle through taskbar buttons)
Windows Logo+Break: (System Properties dialog box)
Application key: (Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item)
F1: (Help)
CTRL+ESC: (Open Start menu)
ALT+TAB: (Switch between open programs)
ALT+F4:( Quit program)
SHIFT+DELETE: (Delete item permanently)
Windows Logo+L: (Lock the computer without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE )
Numeric keypad
Num Lock
Forward slash (divide)
Star (times)
dash (minus)
numeric 7, also used as the home key
numeric 8, also used as the up arrow key
numeric 9, also used as the page down key
plus (add)
numeric 4, also used as the left arrow key
numeric 5
numeric 6, also used as the right arrow key
numeric 1, also used as the end key
numeric 2, also used as the down arrow key
numeric 3, also used as the page down key
enter key
numeric 0 key, also used as insert
period, also used as a delete key.
I guess there are some shortcuts that i didn't implement in that list.
Anyway shurtcuts that are missing are not very important....